My former co-employee Nitoy, a refrigerator and aircon technician once traveled to a rural area to attend to some customers' complaints. He brought along a metallic container for freon and other spare parts and materials for repair. It was a bit of a risky trip considering the recent ambush that happened near the area of his destination. Besides, the place was disturbed by some rebel attacks that time. But he had no choice. Every conveyance going to Lanao Del Norte must pass by that area. And so, boarding a full-packed jeepney (a type of conveyance), he put his things under his chair. Full-packed in the sense that some of the passengers were already sitting on top of the roof. As the jeepney was passing the very "quiet" place, the freon container suddenly exploded! It produced a very thick (but cold), white smoke. It's because, freon is supposedly to be kept on a cold or sheltered place to keep it cold. And since the flooring of the jeepney was very hot and it was already noontime, that caused it. All the passengers were very frightened and afraid. The driver stopped the engine and dove on the road and run. And all the other passengers jumped for their lives (LOL!) except Nitoy (of course, he knew it was his freon). He was left alone inside. Looking outside, he saw the people hiding behind the trees, others behind the big stones, eyes toward his direction. They thought it was another ambush. He said sorry to everyone (some got bruises). Good for him, he was not attacked by the other passengers. By the way, Nitoy already passed away years ago, but this is one story I couldn't forget about him.
My New Year Journey to Healthy Eating
3 weeks ago
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